Sunday 30 March 2014

A Dragon and other things

I've cross stitched for years, I have a large box filled with various things I've made, to be made and materials I've picked up over the years. But you see I have a dragon cross stitch that I am sewing, mostly not sewing. The piece is about 2 foot by 1 foot and the pattern came on two A3 sized pages, I had to buy a book with the pattern in as the original is falling apart (and then another one because I lost the book *sigh*). It is not a small project by any means. It's a UFO or unfinished object which has now been on the go for thirteen years, I have been doing longer than I have known my fiancé (twelve years in October). It is beautiful and whenever I show it to people I get such lovely compliments which being me I go well it's from a pattern or it's taken me years and other self-deprecating comments. It is getting close to being finished but recently I can never seem to find the will to sew it, it's complicated, I need to sort out the threads, I need to do the metallic bits and they are a pain are all excuses to myself I've used to justify my not doing it and the more I do that the easier it gets to go 'I'll do it another day I feel better by then'.

So I am resolving to pick my needle up and finish that damn dragon!

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