Monday, 12 May 2014

Living with Glados

So I have depression and the way I tend to liken it is it's like having your very own personal Glados (from the Portal games) who has been described as being "polite, passive-aggressive, and insanely sadistic.".

So when I feel I've done something wrong she starts with "oh it's you..." And the proceeds to tell me how useless I am and that everyone hates me all in a perfect imitation of my own voice. She lies a lot and tries to make me believe things that are not even the remotest bit possible. I am beginning to recognise depression's voice though so it is easier sometimes to ignore but still on occasions I believe the thoughts.

Occasionally the thoughts float through my mind, the insidious type, if you do this maybe things would be better. Usually self harming in nature but not so much lately and if they turn up they it is easier for me to just let them pass by instead of at some points where they sounded like good ideas.

The drugs have quietened the thoughts but they still bubble up and I know that help is still needed just waiting for the CBT process to get to the point where they can see me.

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